I don’t own a TV. However, on travel recently I was stuck in a waiting room with a TV and nothing constructive to do. I don’t remember the program being run. What struck me was that in the few minutes I sat there, every ad was for a service to protect from government. A bail bond ad. A tax service ad. A law firm that would guarantee that you get the Social Security Disability benefits that you ‘deserve’. Not a single ad for a physical product.
Why start a blog on Biblical Law Enforcement?
1) Law Enforcement and “Criminal Justice” in these United States are largely anti-Biblical and therefore anti-Christ.
2) I have been unable to find any practical guidance for Christian Magistrates who wish to begin to redeem Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.
My hope in starting this?
1) That somebody will point me to another resource that removes the need for this forum.
Absent 1) occurring:
2) That, in community, we may begin to develop practical guidance for Christian Magistrates.
3) We may define practical steps that will walk us back from the largely anti-Christ system we currently operate under.
4) That in being practical we incur God’s blessing on our intent and not his wrath because we continue to operate under a sinful system.
5) That we provide encouragement and support for each other.
1) I will create posts on various topics and document my ‘going in’ position.
2) Through the comments posted on each topic, we will attempt to develop a Biblical position on the topic and guidance for Magistrates.
“The Christian cannot be satisfied so long as any human activity is either opposed to Christianity or out of all connection with Christianity. Christianity must pervade not merely all nations, but also all of human thought. The Christian cannot therefore be indifferent to any branch of earnest human endeavor. It must all be brought into some relation to the gospel. It must be studied either in order to be demonstrated false or else in order to be made useful to the kingdom of God.” – John Gresham Machen